Belratti Купить

Belratti Купить Belratti Купить Belratti Купить Belratti Купить Belratti Купить Belratti Купить Belratti Купить

You are buying artwork for your museum, always trying to meet the current trends and finding genuine art from your associates. But the famous Belratti is trying to cheat his own fake paintings into your collection.

In Belratti, players are split into two roles — buyers and painters — and are playing against the game. The game presents two cards as topics for which the buyers need to buy paintings. They ask for a certain number of cards, and the painters have to collectively meet this target number.

The painters select cards from their hands they think will fit the most to one of the topics. Then additional cards are added as Belratti's fakes. All cards are shuffled upside down, then flipped up. The buyers then have to select all the cards from the painters, not the fake cards by Belratti.

The roles change after each round. If too many fakes are bought, the players lose.

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Iki išleidimo
16,00 €
без - НДС 13,22 €
Тип Настольная игра для вечеринок
Количество игроков 3 - 7
Время игры 25 Мин
Возраст 8+
Сложность Легкий-1/5
Язык Английский