Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition

Bad Crow Games
Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition Купить

Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition Купить Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition Купить Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition Купить Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition Купить Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition Купить Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition Купить Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition Купить Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition Купить Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition Купить Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition Купить Company of Heroes: 2nd Edition Купить

"Company of Heroes", the World War 2 board wargame, is based on the video game from Relic/Sega. It closely captures the choices, tactics and mission strategies of the videogame. In teams, or as individuals, players will maneuver units and battle for control points to collect manpower, munitions and fuel. Players spend these resources to construct new buildings, purchase units and upgrade abilities, eventually unlocking the powerful end-game units of their nation.

The Second Edition of the Company of Heroes Board Game introduces extensive improvements to gameplay, tactical choices, unit balance, faction differentiation, mission parameters and more.

More Units - Bigger Battles: 2nd edition adjusts unit and building costs, resource generation and other mechanics to allow for more units to be purchased, fielded and used over the course of the battle.

Community Feedback: After thousands of games and feedback from the player community, the 2nd Edition further tweaked and balanced units, factions and commanders to a high polish. These changes were incorporated with an eye towards emphasizing faction identity and distinction.

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125,00 €
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Тип Военная настольная игра
Количество игроков 2
Время игры 90 – 150 Мин
Возраст 14+
Сложность Умеренно легкий / Средний-2.5/5
Язык Английский