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Conservas Купить

Conservas Купить Conservas Купить Conservas Купить Conservas Купить Conservas Купить Conservas Купить Conservas Купить

What you love most in life is bringing the joys of the sea to people around the world. You own a small tinning company on the coast of Spain where you make simply the best conservas for everyone to enjoy. You are responsible for the whole process, from managing the boats that go out in the morning, to catching the fish and finally selling your tinned goods. You have special goals each month, but it isn’t always about making the most money. Having a sustainable impact on the sea is very important: if you harm the ocean by overfishing, then you will fail in your mission. Maintaining a balanced relationship with the sea is vital as you work hard and
continue to make the best conservas in the world!

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34,00 €
без - НДС 28,10 €
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    ДОСТАВКА: 1-3 рабочих дней | От 3.00 €
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    ДОСТАВКА: 1-3 рабочих дней | От 4.00 €
Тип Стратегическая настольная игра
Количество игроков 1
Время игры 20 - 40 Мин
Возраст 10+
Сложность Умеренно легкий-2/5
Язык Английский