The Resistance Купить

The Resistance Купить The Resistance Купить The Resistance Купить The Resistance Купить The Resistance Купить The Resistance Купить The Resistance Купить

The Resistance (The Dystopian Universe)

The Empire must fall. Our mission must succeed. By destroying their key bases, we will shatter Imperial strength and liberate our people. Yet spies have infiltrated our ranks, ready for sabotage. We must unmask them. In five nights we reshape destiny or die trying. We are the Resistance!

The Resistance is a party game of social deduction. It is designed for 5-10 players, lasts about 30 minutes, and has no player elimination. The Resistance is inspired by Mafia/Werewolf, yet it is unique in its core mechanics, which increase the resources for informed decisions, intensify player interaction, and eliminate player elimination.

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26,00 €
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Тип Настольная игра для вечеринок
Количество игроков 5 - 10
Время игры 30 Мин
Возраст 13+
Сложность Легкий / Умеренно легкий-1.5/5
Язык Английский