Product ID: 10434

The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me

Supermassive Games
The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me

The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me The Dark Pictures Anthology - The Devil in Me

A series of stand-alone branching cinematic horror games from the studio behind Until Dawn. Easy to pick-up and play in short sessions, alone or with friends. The Devil in Me is the fourth game in the series and the Season One finale.

A group of documentary film makers receive a mysterious call inviting them to a modern-day replica of serial killer H.H. Holmes’ ‘Murder Castle’. It’s an opportunity that’s too good to pass up and could be just the thing they’re looking for to win some much-needed public interest.

The hotel is the perfect set for their new episode, but things aren’t quite as they seem. The crew discover they’re being watched and even manipulated, and suddenly there’s much more at stake than just their ratings!

Welcome to the Murder Hotel!
Nothing is as it seems here, and the amenities are to die for! Explore every nook of the World’s Fair Hotel using the all-new season finale features including character inventory, tool-based puzzles, and expanded movement actions such as run, jump, and climb.

Your death is his design
Escape the torturous creations of an evil monster who is hellbent on becoming America’s deadliest serial killer & survive elaborate ‘killing rooms’ where your own death is by the killer’s design.

Don’t Play Alone!
Endure terrifying tests of loyalty – will you risk your own life for someone you care for? The two critically acclaimed multiplayer modes are back: share your story online with a friend or aim for safety in numbers through the offline 5-player pass-the-pad mode.

Can you outsmart the killer and checkout all your cast? All playable characters can live or die in your version of the story.


Anastasija S

Puikus zaidimas, laukiame antrojo sezono

Robertas S

itraukianti istorija

Jevgenij S

Puikus pratesimas uzbaigiantis 1 sezona dark pictures of anthology!

Egidijus M

Viskas puikiai, pristatyta išleidimo dieną, ačiū.

Šarūnas R

Labai vykęs žaidimas puikiai užbaigiantis pirmą Dark Pictures Anthology sezoną. Jeigu esate žaidę ankstesnius serijos žaidimus, šis per daug kažkuo nenustebins (gameplay mechanikos jau bus matytos), tačiau vienaip ar kitaip - geras laiko praleidimas.

Dovydas K

Puikus, kaip ir visa serija

Aurita M

Labai lauktas.

Laurynas S
Pre-release Review

Neseniai tik perėjau house of ashes dabar laukiu šio realeso. Įdomiai susiguli būdas žaidimą perteikt kaip filmą tuo pačiu žaidi įsitrauki į pasakotojo pasokojamą veiksmą, taip tik dar labiau įsitraukiant. Ši frančizė suteikia unikalumo visai žaidimų serijai, geresnių pojūčių o ypač su dualsense pulteliu. Taip pat džiugina performance mode leidžiantis be trukdžių džiaugtis 4k vaizdu

Yauheni H
Pre-release Review

All previous games are good interactive movies. That's all I want from this game and I'm sure it will definitely worth my time.

Vytautas C
Pre-release Review

Studija, kuri mums padovanojo iki aušros(Until down), pristato nesusijusių kinematografinių žaidimų seriją su besišakojančia siaubo istorija. Puikiai tinka trumpiems žaidimams vienam arba su draugais. „The Devil in Me“ yra ketvirtasis serijos žaidimas ir užbaigiamas pirmasis sezonas.

Lai ievietotu komentāru jums jābūt reģistrētam .

35,00 €
bez PVN 28,93 €
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Konsole 316
Žanrs Šausmu
Spēles valodas Angļu
PEGI reitings ieteicams no 18 gadiem
Izdošanas datums 2022
Singleplayer Ir
Formāts Fiziskā kopija (spēļu disks)
SVARĪGI: Spēles pakotne var būt poļu/spāņu/vācu vai citās valodās, taču spēle vienmēr būs angļu valodā.