Product ID: 10422

Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition

Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition Pērciet

Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition Pērciet Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition Pērciet Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition Pērciet Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition Pērciet Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition Pērciet Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition Pērciet Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition Pērciet Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition Pērciet Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition Pērciet Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition Pērciet Assassins Creed Mirage Deluxe Edition Pērciet


In Assassin's Creed Mirage, you are Basim, a cunning street thief with nightmarish visions seeking answers and justice.

Join an ancient organization and come to understand a new creed – one that will change Basim’s fate in ways he never could have imagined.


Discover a narrative-driven action-adventure experience that follows the transformation of a defiant young man into a refined Master Assassin with a conflicted destiny. Meet an inspiring cast of characters who will shape Basim’s destiny and may be more than what they seem…


Become the most versatile Assassin in franchise history. Parkour seamlessly through the city and leverage the largest assortment of tools to date. Get contracts at the Assassin’s bureaus, collect vital clues, and stealthily take down targets with more visceral assassinations than ever before.


Explore a dense and vibrant city whose inhabitants react to your every move. Uncover the secrets of four unique districts, from the industrial Karkh to the lush gardens of the Round City. Discover surprising world events and interact with historical figures that shaped the Golden Age of Baghdad.


Experience a modern take on the features and gameplay that have defined a franchise for 15 years. Journey to Alamut, the legendary home of the Assassins who laid the foundations of the Creed in this heartfelt homage to the game that started it all.

Arthur K

Vakar gavau žaidimą ir kol kas pilnai galiu pasakyti, jog palyginus su Valhalla ir Odyssey žaidimas jaučiasi visiškai kitaip; jis yra lokalesnis, realistiškesnis ir, veiksmo ir stealth elementai yra geriausi nei paskutinėse dalyse. Bei papildomas kontentas susijęs su Prince of Persia, yra tikrai malonus papildymas žaidžiant ir besinaudojant pažįstamais elementais. Jeigu Jums patiko, pirmosios dalys manyčiau kad tikrai verta duoti šansą šiai, nes pagaliau grįžtam prie mums žinomų teminių elementų atitolstant nuo bendro epochos konteksto.

Lai ievietotu komentāru jums jābūt reģistrētam .

35,00 €
bez PVN 28,93 €
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Konsole 12
Žanrs Lomu spēles (RPG)
Spēles valodas Angļu
PEGI reitings ieteicams no 18 gadiem
Izdošanas datums 2023
Singleplayer Ir
Local Multi-Player Nav
Co-Op Nav
Local Co-Op (Splitscreen) Nav
Formāts Fiziskā kopija (spēļu disks)
SVARĪGI: Spēles pakotne var būt poļu/spāņu/vācu vai citās valodās, taču spēle vienmēr būs angļu valodā.